Choosing the Right Payment Model To Empower Your Business with Commercial Solar

Compare outright purchase to zero capex models and make an informed decision for your business' commercial solar.

In today's dynamic business landscape, the quest for sustainable solutions has become more than just a trend—it's a strategic imperative. As businesses strive to reduce their carbon footprint, lower operating costs, and enhance their reputation as environmentally responsible entities, the adoption of commercial solar energy emerges as a compelling solution.

Empowering your business with commercial solar not only unlocks the potential for substantial cost savings but also positions your organisation as a leader in the transition towards clean, renewable energy.

Are you ready to harness the power of solar energy for your business but unsure about the payment options available? Join us as we explore the transformative power of commercial solar and the two primary models—Outright Purchase and Zero Capex—to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and budget.


With the Outright Purchase model, you take full ownership of the solar power system. Here's what you need to know:


You own the asset, giving you control over the system and its benefits.


You make a 100% investment, either through a lump sum payment, a loan, or 0% interest credit card instalment plans.

Payback (ROI)

Enjoy a quick return on investment, typically within 3-4 years, as the capital is repaid through savings on electricity bills.

Performance Risk

You bear all performance risks, ensuring that the system operates efficiently.

Tax Benefits

Take advantage of tax benefits and incentives available for solar investments.


Choose from various payment options to suit your financial preferences.


The Zero Capex model offers a hassle-free way to access solar energy without any upfront investment. Here's how it works:


The solar panels' investor owns the asset, eliminating the need for you to make any upfront payments.


Enjoy zero upfront investment, making it an attractive option for businesses with budget constraints.

Payback (ROI)

Experience immediate savings from day one, as you only pay for the electricity generated, typically at a rate cheaper than the grid tariff.

Performance Risk

The solar panels' investor bears all performance risks, ensuring optimal system performance to maximise generation.

Tax Benefits

While there are no direct tax benefits for you, the cost savings from reduced electricity bills can still contribute to your bottom line.


Pay the solar panels investor based on the electricity bill, simplifying your financial commitments.




Solar panels investor owns
the asset


You own the asset
Zero upfront investment
from you


100% investment from you
You pay only for electricity
generated, no other costs

What You Pay For

You pay for the solar system
20-30% cheaper than grid tariff

Per Unit Saving

Capital repaid through
generated electricity
Solar panels investor bears the cost
of Operation & Maintenance

Operation & Maintenance

You bear the cost of Operation
& Maintenance
Immediate savings from day 1

Payback (ROI)

3 to 4 years
Solar panels investor bears all
performance risks and is incentivized to maximize

Performance Risk

You bear all performance risks
No tax benefits

Tax Benefits

You can claim tax benefits and
tax incentives
Pay solar panels investor based on
electricity bill


You can opt to pay a lump sum,
apply for a loan or 0% credit
card instalment plans



Solar PV Investor owns the asset


Zero upfront investment from you

What You Pay For

You pay only for electricity
generated, no other costs

Per Unit Saving

20-30% cheaper than grid tariff


Operation & Maintenance

Solar PV Investor bears the cost of
Operation & Maintenance

Payback (ROI)

Immediate savings from day 1

Performance Risk

Solar PV Investor bears all the
performance risks and is
incentivized to maximize

Tax Benefits

No tax benefits


Pay solar PV Investor based on
electricity bill



You own the asset


100% investment from you

What You Pay For

You pay for the solar system

Per Unit Saving

Capital repaid through
generated electricity


Operation & Maintenance

You bear the cost of Operation
& Maintenance

Payback (ROI)

3 to 4 years

Performance Risk

You bear all performance risks

Tax Benefits

You can claim tax benefits
and tax incentives


You can opt to pay a lump
sum, apply for a loan or 0%
credit card instalment plans

Key Takeaways:

  • When it comes to choosing the right payment model for your commercial solar installation, consider your financial situation, long-term goals, and risk tolerance.
  • Whether you opt for the outright purchase model to enjoy ownership benefits or prefer the zero capex model for its immediate savings and minimal financial commitment, solar energy offers numerous advantages for businesses of all sizes.